The FareBoom Fare Cruncher implements several search options that allow you to tailor results to your specific preference and needs, and thus help you save most with your next purchase with us.
When this option is selected we return to you the most recently found fares for each day in the 31-day display. This is a great option if you are looking to buy your fare immediately for near future departures and you simply want to know what others found most recently.
Unchecking this option returns the lowest fares found for each day in the 31-day display, regardless of how long ago these low fares were found. Typically such results are older and the exact quoted fares are likely not available for purchase anymore, because they have probably increased as the departure date gets nearer. The unchecked option is an excellent tool for researching an optimal advance purchase window – finding the best time to buy a fare for future travel. You will notice how fares tend to increase with an approaching departure date. Simply compare Date Found values between different fare quotations and observe how typically earlier Dates Found tend to contain cheaper fares than later ones.
Use the departure date to specify the earliest date you plan to travel. We will return a 31-day display of applicable fares starting on the specified departure date.
Note that you can also specify a past departure date in case you want to research historic data. Such data helps you answer questions such as “How much did it cost to travel to my destination three months ago”. You can combine the past date search with least recent results option to learn about when it was the best time to purchase past fares. This is an excellent tool for forecasting future trends in fare fluctuation and the best time to buy.
From and To city allow you to search by physical airports or metropolitan areas, such as New York City, that contain multiple airports. Expanding your search to metropolitan areas searches for low fares among multiple airports returning the overall cheapest airport for a given airline and route.